Sensual! Sexual! Feminine! Luxurious! Seductive! It’s the game of the mind. Prayers! Meaning! Spiritual! Purpose! Powerful! These are many of the feelings I get when I wear the customized gifted waist bead made by my dear friend Ama McKinley of ILium Wing, Waist Jewelry. She reminded me that “beauty is because of what’s inside, not […]
“Ice Crystals,” to many might sound like an exquisite drink created by one of the Virgin Islands finest mixologist or a fancy piece of jewellery from one of the many jewellers on the island. However, this is the chosen name for the carwash business owned and operated by 27-year-old Shoko Isaac otherwise called ‘Ice Clear’. […]
To many, the name “Mama” is usually a term of endearment most likely associated with a close relative. However, if you traverse Tortola and ask people for “Mama”, more often than not, they will point you to a two-storey house in Pasea Estate. She got the name Mama because she was the oldest of 12 […]
Since the emancipation of slavery, the British Virgin Islands has shared significant moments in history during the first August Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each year. For years, the fete on the field provided various entertainment for the populace. However, the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in 1953 was one of the factors that […]
The BVI has been fortunate and splitting at the seams with Young Entrepreneurs spreading their wings and making a mark in the BVI Economy. Today, we had a sit down with Chelsea Hodge, owner of CAHSS L&S: What does CAHSS stand for? CH: It’s an acronym of my name – Chelsea Anneka Hodge’s Secretarial Services […]
In the British Virgin Islands, one of the exotic dishes that people come to enjoy is The Strombus Gigas or the Queen Conch as it is commonly called. It has almost the same notoriety as lobsters and is a favourite amongst many islanders. If you have an allergy for sea food please avoid conchs at […]
Bell-bottom jeans! Tie-dyed tee shirts! Polyester leisure suits! Peasant blouses! Hot Pants! Halter-tops! Platform Shoes! Patent Leather! Fashion of the 60s and 70s. It was a time before cell phones, WHATSAPP, Facebook, Instagram or any of the other social media platforms and apps that make connecting easier. Igniting the sparks in a relationship involved well […]
The information presented is a snapshot of the things I can vividly recall doing in my village while growing up. It seeks to evoke a buried memory in readers as they get a glimpse of what life was like not so long ago. Most people in the village were proud farmers, fisherfolks and boat builders. […]
For the Love of Summer! Summer Sizzle BVI will make a triumphant return to the breathtaking shores of the British Virgin Islands for its 12th Anniversary scheduled for – July 20 – 25, 2022 after a two year hiatus due to Covid19 pandemic! The Experience will be Epic! The British Virgin Islands is the perfect […]