I have been weight training in a fasted state on and off for over a year, and consecutively for the past six months. For me, it has been a great success, but it wasn’t always easy. In Oct 2018, when I first started back weight training, it was difficult to work out in a fasted […]
CHIP, the ‘Complete Health Improvement Programme’, is a lifestyle intervention education programme. It’s a 10 to 12 week course using a holistic health approach, offered in a community setting and led by CHIP certified facilitators. CHIP is known to prevent, control and reverse chronic, non-communicable diseases and their risk factors. It equips and empowers participants […]
Jeff and Arona Forbes are what you can call ‘a match made in heaven’. Jeff grew up in a large family of 13. Arona came up in a family of 14. Jeff’s family was into livestock and Arona’s family farmed. “My father was what you would call a butcher I guess. We had animals that […]
Like always, here’s a recap. Fasting is not starving. It’s way different. Zero calories and almost zero calories are not the same. Many other myths were debunked in Part 1. Part 2 was about the wonderful things your body does, like perform autophagy, which is basically the body’s own recycling system. In this process cells […]
‘Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go.’ Anthony Bourdain What happens when world population continues to grow and natural resources are dwindling on a finite planet? Is it utopian to consider […]
Good morning to my fellow brethren. As our conversation increase around the COVID-19, let us take time out to speak to our children. Let us help them to make sense of what they hearing in a way that is honest, accurate, and minimizes anxiety or fear. General principles for talking to children Remain calm and […]
If the statistics are correct, by now you’ve already fallen off the wagon when it comes to your goals. Trust me, you’re not alone. Every year, more than 90% of people give up on their goals and New Year’s resolutions by February. But if you’re reading this, that doesn’t have to be you. Even if […]
Mahatma Gandhi said this once, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”. Parents of the Alexandrina Maduro Primary school were reminded of this when they were treated to a health fair after their first PTA meeting of 2020. With one of the classrooms transformed into a mini health […]
Taekwondo, according to ‘World Taekwondo Online’, originated in Korea over 2,000 years ago and means “the way of kicking and punching.” The art form has over 60 million practitioners in 184 countries, including the Virgin Islands. Olanzo A. Boynes, 3rd Dan Taekwondo, is the owner of Boynes Taekwondo Academy in Kingston, Tortola. He’s practiced Taekwondo […]