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The Beauty of Balancing the Crown


Poise! Intelligent! Confident!  From the first sash as Miss Poise, an emotional wave came over Asha as she and her fellow contestants patiently waited for the name of the title holder to be revealed.  Hearing her name announced as the title holder, Asha reflected, “I wanted to do a victory lap, but then I immediately thought of my fellow contestants, and a wave of humility, gratitude, and joy washed over me. It was truly an unforgettable moment.’


Asha shared with us about her journey to the crown.

BB: Is this your first pageant? If not, what other pageants have you participated in, and how have they shaped you? 

MTBVI: Yes, Miss Teen British Virgin Islands was my first pageant and my first title. I never imagined I would say this, but I took the leap of faith, and it led to success.

BB: Preparation for quiet a journey can be very challenging, share with our readers how you prepared? 

MTBVI: The initial stages of the pageant coincided with my final exams, causing a significant delay in commencement. After the semester ended, I began taking summer classes, but I was determined to balance my education and the pageant. I dedicated my spare time to intense preparation, focusing on interview training, modeling, choreography practice, wardrobe and etiquette lessons. Despite many late nights, the journey was also filled with fun and unforgettable moments with my family and team.

BB: Reflecting on your life experiences, what has helped you gain the confidence to enter pageantry? 

MTBVI: Several experiences and passions helped me gain the confidence to enter the world of pageantry. Growing up as a dancer and performer provided me with a deep understanding of stage presence. Enjoying conversations and engaging with people naturally improved my interview skills, while regularly giving class presentations honed my public speaking abilities. Finally, knowing that I had a strong support system nurtured my self-assurance, making me feel ready to embrace the challenges of pageantry with heartfelt determination.

BB: Share with us your platform and its importance and impact to the Territory.

MTBVI: My platform, “Looking Good: Eye Care Education for All,” aims to educate, advocate, and motivate individuals in the British Virgin Islands about effective eye care practices. I didn’t choose my platform—it chose me. As someone living with Keratoconus, which is an eye disease that affects my corneas and unfortunately my vision, this cause is deeply personal to me. I plan to leverage my title to raise funds for eye care initiatives, engage in educational outreach, and use my social media platforms to amplify this critical message.

BB: What have the experience of being a Miss Team BVI Contestant taught you about yourself?

MTBVI: From my experience in this pageant, I’ve discovered my unique superpower to perform well under pressure. As the famous quote goes, “diamonds are made under pressure.” Despite feeling nervous deep down, I’ve received compliments for maintaining a calm aura and composed demeanour throughout. This has shown me that I possess resilience and the capacity to handle challenges with confidence in various aspects of life.

BB: What advice can you offer to young ladies who aspire to participate in the Miss Teen BVI pageant in preparing themselves? 

MTBVI: My biggest advice is to enter with a clear goal in mind—whether it’s advocating for a cause, exploring new experiences, or pursuing personal growth. Maintain kindness towards your fellow contestants, uphold humility, assert yourself confidently, steer clear of negativity, embrace courage, enjoy the journey, and above all, remain authentically true to yourself.

BB: What are some of your goals for your reigning year, and how can the community assist you in achieving them? 

MTBVI: During my reign, I am committed to continuous community engagement, establishing partnerships with local organizations, and proudly representing the BVI internationally. I urge the community to support these endeavours by actively participating in community service initiatives, contributing to eye care advocacy, and connecting with me on all social media platforms at “Miss Teen British Virgin Islands 2024 Asha Hyndman.” Together, we can create significant change and inspire positive outcomes.

BB: In the world of pageantry, there are so many myths, tell our readers what you believe are the most important truths of a beauty pageant? 

MTBVI: A common myth about pageantry is that it belittles young women, reducing them to mere objects of beauty. However, my experience in the Miss Teen British Virgin Islands Pageant has allowed me to showcase my true self and celebrate my individuality. It was a platform where I could demonstrate my intelligence, talent, and passions—breaking stereotypes and empowering myself in the process. Far from feeling belittled, I felt uplifted and validated, as the pageant recognized and valued my strengths. For me, the most important part of a beauty pageant is being able to do just that.

BB: What other pageants will you be participating in during your reign? 

MTBVI: I am pleased to be participating in the 42nd Haynes Smith Miss Caribbean Talented Teen Pageant and the Miss Teen Universe Pageant. These opportunities are new adventures I eagerly anticipate. Signing up for one pageant has led me to a total of three, and I’m excited for the journey ahead.

BB: Where do you see yourself in the next five years? 

MTBVI: In five years, I envision myself holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and pursuing further education to become an ophthalmologist. I aim to gain knowledge and expertise while seeing the world, which I can bring back to my home, the beautiful British Virgin Islands. I see myself making a positive impact on my community, continuing to grow, and finding genuine happiness in the path ahead.

Her favourite quote is “The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of them all,” which encapsulates her journey perfectly. Asha expresses that her journey could not have been successful without God, the love and support of  her incredible mom Sasha Hodge, her beloved family, and her dedicated team in the USVI. “Together, we’ve forged paths, connected worlds, and sown seeds of positive change. Here’s to continuing this beautiful journey, embracing challenges, and blooming in adversity.”

Asha admits that she still rewatch the videos of the pageant and is grateful for her growth from a young lady who once feared the uncertainties of pageantry to becoming a titleholder.  It has been a transformative journey.

While she has not confirmed if the prestigious crown of Miss BVI is in her future she encourages us to “Keep watching closely, Great things are on the horizon!”

Follow the Miss Teen British Virgin Islands 2024 Asha Hyndman Social Media Pages for updates and events.

To be featured email us at beyondbeautivi@gmail.com