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Eclipse – Instill Confidence One Tube At A Time


In the sun-soaked paradise of the Virgin Islands, a local brand is carving out its place in the beauty industry with passion and purpose. Founded by Shamahnea Simmons at just 17 years old, Eclipse has embarked on a five-year journey of growth and innovation. Specializing in high-quality, signature lip care products, Eclipse aims to instill confidence one tube at a time. Shamahnea embodies the spirit of challenging the impossible, turning dreams into reality with each Signature Eclipse Lip gloss.

Shamahnea Simmons

Chelsea Hodge, for VI Life & Style Magazine, is thrilled to sit down with the visionary Shamahnea Simmons, now 22 years young and Founder/Creative Developer of Eclipse. Together, they will delve into the blooming journey of Eclipse, uncovering the passion and dedication driving its remarkable success.

CH – What is the actual name of your business?

Sham – The official name on our trade license is Eclipse VI but we’re known simply as “eclipse” or “eclipse gloss” for a more specific differentiation.

CH – Do you have an online presence meaning you have a Facebook page or website Instagram page?

Sham – yes, we go by “Eclipse VI on Facebook where its more local but on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest we go by @eclipsegloss and our official website is eclipsegloss.com.

CH – Oh nice; Ok so how long has the business been in existence?

Sham – We officially launched on April 1st, 2019, however March 2019 was our preorder phase to gauge interest.  Research, Planning and development dated back to December 2018

CH – What made you think of running a business of this magnitude? Is this something you’ve always had a passion for? Do you have experience or any training?

Sham – When I first envisioned this business, I didn’t have many resources, but my passion for marketing and business was unwavering. These subjects were my forte throughout my academic journey, particularly in the projects and business development courses at ESHS. In the summer of 2018, a trip to New York sparked my interest when I visited a store that sold a variety of lip gloss flavors and colors. This experience ignited a spark within me.

Upon returning, I had a Marketing project where we had to choose a product and create a business model around it. Naturally, I selected lip gloss. The excitement of creating the business model made me realize that this was more than just a project—it was a potential venture.

I started small, with about $50 saved from my lunch money, and asked my mom to order the first set of supplies. Through extensive research, I learned how to create the product myself. The first batch wasn’t perfect, but it was a start. I began selling to family and friends, and from there, we decided to expand.

Choosing the name “Eclipse” was significant to me. I wanted a name that was closely related to the product but also had its own unique identity, subtly highlighting “lips” as part of our logo. After months of development, by March or April, our product was ready for launch.

This journey from a simple school project to a full-fledged business has been exhilarating. My love for marketing and creativity has driven me every step of the way. It’s a testament to the idea that with passion and perseverance, you can turn even the smallest beginnings into something extraordinary.

CH – Very cool, do you have partners, or do you have family members and friends that are investing in the business?

Sham – I’m incredibly fortunate to have an amazing support system. One of my closest friends played a pivotal role in getting the business off the ground, contributing immensely to the research, concept development, and organizational planning to ensure we have a sustainable, seasonal approach. My cousins have been instrumental in creating the actual product, and I actively involve my younger cousins in the production process, giving them the opportunity to learn and grow alongside the business.

It’s truly a community effort, with everyone deeply invested in our story and our success. Being a small business owner, I embrace multiple roles—marketing, promotions, production, delivery, and more. This hands-on experience has not only honed my skills but also reinforced the importance of having a dedicated team.

CH – Do you have a physical location? 

Sham – As of now, we don’t have a storefront location, but our products can be found at our outlet location, Hashtag, Upstairs Mi Amor on the Tortola Pier Park. All products can be purchased from our website, eclipsegloss.com, so there are options. We also strive to bring our products closer to our clients through frequent pop-up shops and exhibits to increase access. Of course, we’re deeply committed to securing a physical location in the future, but our current focus is on brand development and beauty community outreach.

CH – How far out do you ship to?

Sham – While we currently don’t have an official shipping operation, we have gone above and beyond to fulfill special requests for our dedicated customers. We accept cash, ATH Mobile payments, and PayPal, and for some customers, we even handle orders through direct messages.

Our commitment to our community has led us to ship to places like the UK, Canada, various states across the US, and different regions. We’ve even had a cherished partnership with Glam Dolls in Saint Thomas. Though COVID-19 and other factors have paused some of our operations, we’re hopeful and excited about resuming shipping soon.

Our vision for the future is clear: we want to expand our reach and make our products available to beauty enthusiasts everywhere.

CH – What was your selection process like for packaging of your products?

Sham – Our packaging journey is driven by our commitment to sustainability and staying true to our brand identity. Before finalizing any packaging, we ensure it resonates with our signature millennial pink color, which embodies the femininity and fun central to the eclipse brand. When we rebranded in 2022, we introduced our pink signature wand tube in 6ml and 8ml sizes, using 25% less plastic. To add a touch of sophistication, our logo is precisely UV-printed on the body of the tube, giving it a sleek and polished look.

We believe in creating packaging that is not only visually appealing but also meaningful. For instance, one year we launched a bakery collection where all our products, including lip glosses, were named and flavored after baked treats. We partnered with a local small business, Baked By Kit, offering customers a taste of her sweet treats with every purchase. The packaging mimicked treat boxes and sprinkle-covered polyester bags, which was a huge success. We aim to ensure the unboxing moment is one to remember.

CH – How far out do you have to search or have to go to get your packaging? 

Sham – When it comes to packaging, we source materials from China, America, and the UK. Initially, we used blank tubes, we would spend hours applying vinyl labels with our official logo. After extensive searching, we found a vendor who can UV print the logo directly on the tubes. This change has made our packaging more official and durable, reducing processing time significantly.

For ingredients and materials, we source from California and incorporate ingredients Locally and from various Caribbean countries. We strive to make our products as eco-friendly and diverse as possible.

CH – How did you come up with the many flavors in your product line? How many different scents and flavors do you have right now?

Sham – Our product development is driven by extensive local market research and a deep understanding of seasonal trends and customer preferences. Currently, our product line boasts a diverse range of over 20 to 30 Flavors. As a seasonal business, we tailor our offerings to align with specific occasions and market demands. For instance, Valentine’s Day features sweet scents, while Mother’s Day highlights floral fragrances. Summer brings citrusy notes and fall introduces pumpkin and warm flavors. During Christmas, we indulge in spicier apple scents.

We are dedicated to using gentle and cosmetic-grade flavors and fragrances to ensure safety and cater to those with allergies.

CH – Does your packaging carry labels with ingredients that show what the makeup of the product is?

Sham – Currently, our physical product packaging does not list ingredients, but we uphold complete transparency through our website. Our Ingredients Safety section meticulously details every component used in our products, ensuring customers have comprehensive information before making a purchase.

At our core, we prioritize transparency as a cornerstone of trust-building. We provide a clear description of each product’s ingredients, appearance, texture, and usage. Over the past five years, our commitment to quality has been unwavering, with minimal incidents reported. We also value customer feedback greatly, offering a dedicated channel for any concerns or suggestions.

CH – Where do you see the business in the next 5 to 10 years? Do you see yourself then having a storefront locally? Do you think that you will be able to receive not just cash funds or cash payments but electronic payments? Do you think you’ll have more persons or partners in the business that can re-introduce regional or international exchange? 

Sham – As mentioned before, we do hope to have a store front, however our aim is to expand our website beyond product sales to include a blog and build a wider community around our brand. Over the next five years, I envision eclipse becoming a recognized regional brand in the Caribbean. While global expansion is a consideration, my immediate focus is on establishing a strong presence within regional markets and becoming a prominent brand across Caribbean countries.

Our vision extends beyond commerce; we aim to empower young women through confidence-building products and campaigns. We inspire the beauty community by offering modeling and beauty shoot opportunities to talented young individuals, helping them build their portfolios and confidence.

Looking ahead, we’re exploring electronic payment systems to enhance customer convenience and preparing to expand our partnerships to facilitate regional and international exchanges. Our goal is to showcase Eclipse, our story and Virgin Islands faces across the Caribbean, reinforcing our commitment to local manufacturing and operational excellence in the Virgin Islands.

CH – Wonderful, it’s truly inspiring to hear your passion and drive, and how you’ve meticulously mapped out your ideas. Having supportive family members on board must be invaluable in ensuring the longevity and success of your venture. Over these five years, you’ve shown remarkable consistency and have clearly identified effective avenues to promote your business, which is highly commendable.

In terms of your competitive advantage over other lip gloss companies in the region, what would you say sets Eclipse apart?

Sham – Our competitive advantage lies in our vibrant community and our individuality, creativity of our brand and collections. I dedicated five years to perfecting our lip gloss formula before expanding into other products. Initially, feedback varied, but it fueled our drive to continuously refine our formula until achieving a non-sticky, long-lasting lip-gloss, perfect for our tropical climate that truly distinguishes us. Customers consistently praise its durability, range and quality.

Moreover, our innovative approach to collections keeps our brand dynamic and engaging. For instance, our 11:11PM drops have sparked excitement, with loyal customers eagerly anticipating and quickly selling out our releases. This strategy not only generates anticipation but also built a deeper connection with our client.

Ultimately, our focus remains on nurturing our brand and community rather than direct comparison with other local brands. We prioritize customer feedback and continual enhancement, ensuring we consistently exceed expectations with each new product launch and customer interaction.

CH – What would you say is like your most ultimate success since you’ve started on this journey?

Sham – One of the most significant successes has been surpassing our sales targets for Eclipse. From initially stocking around 12- 50 tubes in 2020 to restocking up to 800 tubes within just one to two months, we’ve experienced remarkable demand. This growth extends across both our website and our outlet at Hashtag, where tourists and locals alike discover and purchase our products. Our outlet’s strategic location has been instrumental in introducing Eclipse to a global audience, with visitors taking our products home and spreading our brand’s reach far beyond the Virgin Islands.

For me, the ultimate achievement lies in sharing a product that we meticulously developed over five years through multiple rebranding’s and formula refinements. Witnessing our product resonate with women and young girls, not only locally but also internationally, has been immensely rewarding. Whether customers purchase Eclipse during their cruise stops or through our online platform, knowing that our brand appeals to such a broad spectrum of people is deeply gratifying. As we prepare for the festival season with a stock of 1,000 tubes, I’m excited by the anticipation of continued success and the growing interest in our offerings. In essence, the ability to connect with and satisfy a wide array of customers stands out as a highlight of my entrepreneurial journey with Eclipse.

CH – Wow well done well done and well said. Who do you give your praises to for all the great work you have done thus far? 

Sham – Incredibly fortunate to have a number of inspiring individuals supporting me on this Eclipse journey. It’s hard to acknowledge everyone without the fear of inadvertently omitting someone, but there are a few whose influence has been truly profound. My mentors Roger & Michelle Mathavious, Roger Martin, Judson Maduro, Khari & Vernee Adams, Joanna Vass, and Kareem-Nelson Hull have been pillars and are a powerhouse of entrepreneurial wisdom and support. Learning from their experiences has been a game-changer for navigating the local business world. They’ve imparted invaluable guidance and pushed me to dream big, shaping the trajectory of Eclipse in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

First off, I’ve got to credit my own late-night hustle—there are countless 3 AM brainstorm sessions and marathon lip gloss mixing sessions that have shaped Eclipse into what it is.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Catherine Abraham, My HLSCC Business Lecturer. Her unwavering belief in my potential propelled me to excel, culminating in securing the Top Small Business Project and Presentation Prize at the 2023 HLSCC Stingray Showcase as well as the Top Small Business Student at HLSCC in 2023. Her teachings instilled the confidence I needed to impress investors and garner substantial interest in Eclipse during critical presentations.

Khaptured Photography, our official photography partner, deserves special recognition for their unwavering support. Khari has not only captured the essence of Eclipse but has also amplified our vision through stunning visuals. He has seen the growth of Eclipse through the lens and has played a crucial part in our rebranding.

Of course, none of this would be possible without my family—they’ve been my foundation from the beginning of this venture. I am who I am because of them. My partner Dominic has given unwavering support throughout this journey. His belief in me and in Eclipse has been a constant motivation. His positivity and encouragement have been instrumental in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.

In the end, it’s my determination and faith in God and my brand Eclipse that keeps me going. Each person I’ve mentioned, and many more, has played a part in shaping Eclipse. I’m incredibly grateful for their support and belief in me and my business.

CH – That’s fair, but it’s reassuring to know you have such a supportive community backing your initiative. It sounds like you’re really excited about where you are with this. I’m impressed by your progress and think you’re doing a fantastic job. Stay confident that your business will thrive in the long run. By the way, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?

Sham – I am 22 years old I just turned 22 in April.

CH – Ohh wow and you had your business for five years five years,

Sham – I started back in high school, so I’ve been on a journey of learning and gaining insights from a young age. I value the lessons from those with more business experience, especially since being young requires careful navigation. My aspiration is not just to build a business, but to leave a lasting impact and inspire others. Over the past five years, amidst navigating through challenges like COVID, I’ve grown more determined to create generational wealth and make a meaningful difference in the Virgin Islands beauty industry.

CH – Maybe you would like to share a few words to other young people in the community who might need some encouragement starting or running a new business venture.  

Sham – Oh yes, I would love to share! Actually, I give thanks to Kyra James, a well-known Virgin Islands Content Creator, because one thing she always said was to “do it scared.” You miss all the shots you never take. Like I said at the start of this year, I adopted my own mantra: I want to do the impossible, to be the change that shows small businesses don’t have to stay small, and that any dream can be achieved despite obstacles.

I’d echo to anyone seeking inspiration to just “do it scared,” because you shouldn’t waste the gift given to you. Even if anxiety or doubt creep in, they shouldn’t deter you from seizing great opportunities that could transform your life. These words are often repeated, but many just need to take action, to step out, dream big, and think outside any perceived limits.

Years ago, someone said to me, “think outside the box,” and I thought, “what box?” There’s no limit to dreaming big. People sometimes say I’m doing too much, but sometimes you have to push boundaries and follow your heart to achieve more. I aspire to inspire and show that with dedication and discipline, dreams can become reality. So, my advice is always to go for it, don’t hold back, and believe in yourself.

CH – Awesome! Well, I won’t ask you any further questions. I thought it was a splendid interview. It was really nice hearing your story and understanding where it all began, how things have been going, and where you see yourself in the next couple of years. Your journey has been grand and charming. I think you’re an inspiration to a lot of young people. I never expected you to be so well-spoken at such a young age, but you clearly have your head on your shoulders and are heading in the right direction. I wish you the best of luck!

Sham – Thank you very much.

Eclipse is proudly and always supported by an incredible network of Sponsors: Supa Valu Ltd, Khaptured Photography, Ethan’s Construction, iTech Electronics & Consulting, Jahphix and VP BANK. Their unwavering support fuels our vision and drives us forward, ensuring that we continue to innovate and inspire in everything we do.