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As Hurricane Irma looms, here are some basic first aid techniques that you should keep in mind along with your first aid kit.

If you need to print it, do so, but don’t be caught off guard!

– Apply direct pressure with towel or gauze until bleeding is stopped. Clean minor cuts with Hydrogen Peroxide. Apply antibiotic ointment and Band-Aid.

– Apply ice immediately to swelling, and off and on for next 48 hours. Seek referral for evaluation of the injury. Ibuprofen may relieve pain and inflammation. Elevate extremities where swelling is present. Compression with elastic bandage may be helpful.

– Treat minor burns with cool water or cool compress. If there is blistering, seek Bleeding – Apply direct pressure with towel or gauze until bleeding is stopped. Clean minor cuts with Hydrogen Peroxide. Apply antibiotic ointment and Band-Aid.

Bug Bites/Stings
– Apply ice immediately. Remove stinger if visible. Apply antihistamine cream to site. Take 25 mg Benadryl by mouth. Elevate if the sting is on leg or arm. Go to an emergency facility for breathing difficulty or extreme swelling.

Rash/Poison ivy
– Wash area with antibacterial soap. Try not to scratch. Apply antihistamine cream or hydrocortisone cream to rash. Wash hands after applying. Take Benadryl by mouth to relieve itching. If not improved in 24 hours, seek a referral for medical treatment.

Colds/Congestion/Sore throat
– Increase cold fluid consumption. Take decongestant product for congestion according to the label. Use throat lozenges if needed according to directions on the label. Take Tylenol for a headache, fever, or pain. Seek medical referral if symptoms do not improve in 48-72 hours or if fever over 102 degrees F, stiff neck or repeated vomiting occur.

– Take small sips of ginger ale, weak tea, Sprite, or ice chips every 5-10 minutes. Emetrol liquid may ease nausea-take as directed on label. Once liquids are tolerated without vomiting, try crackers, toast, bananas, applesauce, rice or clear soups for the next 24 hours. If tolerated, work up to a bland diet (no fried foods, fatty foods or roughage) and then back to a normal diet. If vomiting is persistent or accompanied by a fever over 102 degrees F or stiff neck, go to emergency room.

– Try Kaopectate or Imodium-follow directions on the label. Stay on a liquid diet until condition improves. If tolerated, work up to a bland diet (avoid fried foods, fats and roughage) over the next 24 hours, and then go back to normal diet.