Skincare…the way nature intended.


When you think of Sageroots, words like fresh, authentic and natural immediately come to mind, and this is exactly the image that founder and master crafter Lenette conjured up for the brand. “For us, the name Sageroots literally means ‘wisdom from nature’ and our formulations are based on just that – using age-old botanicals to help us conquer our skin and health challenges.”

Sageroots is a local brand that harvests the power of nature to handcraft simple, safe and sustainable skincare products.

Lenette is a firm believer that nature holds the key to our health, home and beauty needs, but more than just creating great products, the brand is also dedicated to education and sustainability.  “Sageroots was and is the right choice for me because it allows me to combine my passions for teaching, crafting and the environment all in one place, and to share it with others.”

When you look at the brand and its entire process, you immediately see these principles springing to life. Their process begins in the Sageroots gardens with the growth of some of the botanicals commonly found in their products such as hibiscus, sorrel, and lemongrass – all grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. “We believe in keeping our products free from synthetic ingredients, so if we don’t put them in our products, we’re not going to put them on our plants either.”

When asked about their product packaging, a similar trend continued. “We package our products predominantly in glass for several reasons. Glass is inert, this means it can protect our products much better than other materials because it doesn’t break down or leach chemicals when exposed to high temperatures, protecting the products from contamination. Glass is also a material that can be safely reused so it doesn’t have to end up in the waste stream.”

To make sure their containers don’t end up in our waste stream, they have instituted their own recycling program where their customers can return their empty bottles in exchange for discounts on future purchases. “One of the principles we try to live by is “reuse first” this allows less waste to be created, and when there is less waste, there is less environmental pollution.”

“Many persons don’t see the link between the environment and our skin, but our skin and overall health can only be as good as the environment we are exposed to, just like harmful compounds in our skincare can cause serious skin and health issues, environmental toxins can do the same.” 

While this company specializes in making high quality, effective skin care products, educating their customers on the importance of the ingredients and proper application is also important. “We don’t just want our customers to purchase  our products, we want them to be educated so they can make more informed decisions whenever they are shopping for skincare, whether it’s with us or someone else.”

These artisan products can be purchased at Clover’s Road Town, Seagrape Boutique, Cooper Island or on their website at Experience skin care…the way nature intended.