
It is often cited in a variety of spaces that you are the company you keep; therefore, it is not farfetched to say Rami Garcia was destined to become an entrepreneur immersed in the creative industry. He routinely engages with other creative and motivated persons and growing up with a family of other entrepreneurs, the pathway was established, and all Rami had to do was take the step.

Like other young people, Rami struggled initially to nail down his career path but as adulthood took shape, bills started to come in and he figured he had to dive right into the never-ending cycle of a 9-5 job. However, this was not appealing for the 27-year-old. He is a reserved person with a quiet disposition, but when around his friends he comes alive, whether through creating multimedia or gaming. VI Life and Style Magazine had a chat with Mr. Garcia about his passion and what’s next for him in multimedia.

L&S: What is it that you do right now? What type of business would you say that you have at the moment?

RG: Multimedia design, which entails the creation of videos and graphics; for example advertisements such as flyers and postings on social media. I have been designing business cards and logos as well.

L&S: When did this journey start?

RG: It is something that I have always been interested in, even when I was in college, but I never really had the resources to get into it, as heavily as I am in it now.

L&S: When you say resources, what sort of resources were you lacking?

RG: A powerful enough laptop or computer, which I have been able to invest in most recently, hence the major push in business within the past several months.

L&S: Do you use a particular platform or software to do what you do?

RG: Yes, right now I use Adobe Premiere, which is video-editing software alongside Photoshop.

L&S: How did you learn to use these platforms? Are you self-taught?

RG: Yes, mostly self-taught, but I have also learned from friends who are also into it and I have also used YouTube to refine my skills.

L&S: Would you say that some of your inspiration came from your friends who are also into graphic designing? Or did it spring from maybe the interest you had in a particular class while you were at college?

RG: No, actually, while I was in college I was doing something very different, I majored in computer science, but I was very much into graphics/ graphic designing.

L&S: So, what is it that gave you the idea that this might be something you can turn into a viable business?

RG: I guess taking photographs and being around friends.

L&S: Were the photos you took the inspiration behind many of your designs?

RG: No, actually they were not.

L&S: How do we get that transition from taking photos to designing graphics?

RG: For someone like me they are both the same thing, there is no distinction, it is all art.

L&S: How easily do you think it was for you to make that transition? Were there any challenges in the startup aside from needing a stronger computer?

RG: Somewhat, but honestly, once you have an interest in something like this, learning is easy.  I feel like once you already have the eye for something like this you already have half of the battle won. It’s now just to sit down and learn the program.

L&S: Do you find it challenging to obtain clients?

RG: Somewhat, because, living somewhere like Tortola is very small; but I have worked in customer service for a very long time, so I know quite a bit of people.

L&S: The clientele that you cater to right now are friends and family or new clients.

RG: Mainly new clients, but they would more than likely have been introduced to my business by friends and family or things that I am connected to; networking helps a lot.

L&S: What marketing platforms do you use? How can people find you?

RG: I use WhatsApp and Facebook, where I share past projects I have worked on and they would speak for themselves.

L&S: We understand that you have another revenue/income earner which is done through YouTube, is that right?

RG: Through Twitch actually, which is a live stream platform, quite similar to YouTube but mainly for live streaming.

L&S: Is Twitch a platform that many BVIslanders would know about?

RG: I don’t think so.

L&S: How did you get introduced to Twitch, why is it that you are utilizing Twitch as your preferred streaming platform vs YouTube which is popularly known for this sort of thing?

RG: I got introduced to Twitch by my cousin, Alejandro Potter, who lives abroad and was using it at the time. Now I do too.

L&S: So, what made you decide to pick it up and start this venture with Twitch?

RG: I started using it in maybe 2019 and have started making money using the platform this year, 2023.

L&S: Do you believe that it is a viable stream of income?

RG: It can be, but only when you reach a certain level. For instance, there are different tiers to Twitch. There is the beginner tier, Affiliate tier and then Partner. Beginners only make money through donations, Affiliate would make money through ads and subscriptions where others are paying to be a part of your community, and Partners are paid from the platform itself.

L&S:  Which means that you have brought enough attention and subscribers to the platform that they are now investing in growing it with you as part of your community? What level are you at?

RG: Yes, that is correct; you become a direct employee. I am at the affiliate level.

L&S: So, is this something that you would recommend to other locals to try out and invest their time in? How difficult was it for you to start?

RG: It was very difficult actually; it is something that you have to love and be dedicated to. You have to be able to capture people’s attention.  Living outside the USA or even bigger Caribbean countries, you are not as broadcasted as many of the others. So, you are already at a greater disadvantage.

L&S: Would you say that you have more of a local audience or more of an international audience? How did you gain those followers/viewers, how do more and more people hear and learn about your live streams and what you do?

RG: Mostly local. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, WhatsApp; just sharing and posting; I started sharing and posting in 2019 on Facebook, even before I was able to obtain a better quality laptop. Persons that I would have played with would always tell me that I am pretty good at gaming and that it was very entertaining to watch me play.

L&S: So, is it a matter of viewers seeing you whilst you control your character on the screen or just the character in the gameplay? Do you play different variations of games, or do you play just one type of game?

RG: Both. I play everything and anything. I love gaming. Just the other day I was on my screen playing old-school Mario Bros.

L&S: And you get paid to play Old School Mario?

RG: Well, I get paid for having subscribers whilst I play any game.

L&S: What title do you go by when streaming?

RG: Deh Chop

L&S: What does this mean, where did the name originate from?

RG: It was a name my friends gave to me that didn’t have a significant meaning but stayed with me.  The only other name that has more significant meaning is Flatbed which is the basis of my platform. So, if you subscribe you will be a part of the flatbed community/family. The reason my friends gave me that name is because they said that I am like a flatbed, like a flatbed I can carry anything. So regardless of the teammates I have whilst gaming, I carry my team to triumph.

L&S: But Deh Chop is the name that carries a logo, which people easily identify you by.

RG: Yes, I have also gotten into merchandising for this brand. It is something that I am still exploring, which is taking some time. I do believe that all together these three different business ventures will provide me with the full-time salary that I would like to have.

L&S: Do you have any partners in any of your businesses?

RG: My friend Revaughn Callwood has a printing company and at times assists me with some of the graphics, so if a person wants video graphics, then I would partner with him to make that happen. He is very much versed in video as well. So, a short ad can be done.

L&S: Who are your biggest supporters?

RG: My family, my sister Ria Frett and mom Icilma Charles, my aunt and cousins Patty and Chelsea. I mean everyone really; my friends and family have always been positive towards my movements.

L&S: If you had to advise anyone who is interested in any of the business ventures that you are taking on right now, what would you say to them?

RG: Most of all believe in yourself. There are times when you may doubt yourself and not know who might be looking on and paying attention.  Display a keen interest in what you are doing. Always believe in yourself in your abilities. Practice, practice practice. Practice makes a difference. Practice may not make it perfect, but it sure gets you close to it.