Kiss ugly skin goodbye!


L-R-Ingrid Malone-Medical Aesthetician, Dr. E. Jones and Georgette A. Thompson –Sales and Front Desk Representative

No longer do you have to wear your skin in ugly shades anymore!

Meet Dr. Edlyn B. Jones, Physician/ Skin Care Specialist affectionately known as Dr. Ede, and her team who will breathe new life into your skin and kiss ugly skin that has been holding you down for way too long, goodbye!

As proud owner of Florencia Cosmetics, Dr. Ede, said their service entails helping individuals to look their best and correcting any imperfections that appear on the skin such as acne, lumps and bumps, dark spots, eczema, mole, lesion, advanced facial including chemical peel and a hydro facial, scaring and stretch marks eradication.  They also carry their very own skin product line.

The doors of Florencia Cosmetics opened five years ago on Main Street from very humble beginnings when Dr. Ede began selling skin care products out of the back of a car next to her mother’s bakery on Main Street. Today she is now relocated on Waterfront Drive in Road Town, right next to Sunny Caribee.

“I had the concept and knew that I wanted to deal with skin from 2000. I love the skin and when I look back at when I was little, I used to do stuff like that. I used to do natural face mask, tomato mask, egg shell mask, so this was something that was in my nature, and I was not aware of the field until I came upon it as an adult.”

In the future, the BVI community can expect to benefit from procedures such as body shaping, liposuction, surgical procedures and cysts and skin cancer removal.

Dr. Ede and Malone performing a beauty treatment

“One of our main slogans is ‘Keeping the BVI in Beautiful Skin’ and so we want to help anyone to maintain the beauty of their skin whether they are young or old,” Dr. Ede remarked with a bright smile. “I love to see the patients’ reactions when they come and they go. Sometimes people are scared to have the procedure done but after the procedure, they are very appreciative. When I see them on the streets, they express ‘Thank you, Dr. Jones, for what you did for me,’ and that brings joy to my heart when I see the results.”

Office hours are 9-5 during the week and after office hours are available upon request. Give them a call to reserve your appointment at BVI 284-440-7428 or Atlanta 404-988-1857.

Here are some of Dr. Ede’s tips towards achieving better and brighter skin!

  • Sun protection is very important so ensure that you use sunscreen of at least 30 plus daily before you exit the door. This would reduce sun exposure which if not applied could result in increased dark spots and stuck on lesions.
  • Cleansing your skin the right way is another critical aspect of skin health. Most people would just bathe and they would just wash their face with the same soap that they use. What this would do is cause a lot of film on the face and block the pores; so go for a facial wash for your skin condition or skin type. Be it oily, dry or normal skin.
  • Exfoliate your face at least once or twice per week and moisturize at night.