Who is Kishmet Brookes


In celebration of Women’s month, I wanted to speak with a powerful voice in the Territory.  I got the opportunity to sit with the phenomenal Kishmet Brookes on her spiritual walk, aspirations for her children and the future of the Territory.

BB:  Who is Kishmet Brookes

KB: I am a woman that stands and operates in the capacity of Serendipity, Faith, Destiny and Love.  A mother of 10 children, a teacher and a hardworking woman.

BB:  Share with us the journey to becoming the Phenomenal Woman you are.

KB: The journey to becoming the phenomenal woman that I am took place in the humble beginnings of being raised by grandparents who instilled values in me.  They raised me and taught me to be strong.  They corrected me when I was wrong. In those corrections, I continue to love them and not hold malice and grudge.

BB:  Talk with us about the importance of knowing yourself. How does the thoughts of others impact who you are?  What do you see as the journey to knowing oneself. 

KB: The importance of knowing oneself give you a stand as to not be like others, but to be yourself.  When you know who you are, the opinions of others are not of importance.  The thought of others help me to understand the type of person I am around.  People that build and never breaks.

BB:  Let us talk about some of the many facets to Kishmet Brookes.

Kishmet the Mother.

A strong disciplinarian that instill values in my children. I am a mother that never encourages them in wrong, but teaches them to work hard.  I do not only teach, I live the life for them to see.

Kishmet the Political Advocate.

I continue to make a huge contribution in this country. I will always be a voice for all that cry in the wilderness. Politics was heavy in my house growing up and I feel it important for me to take on the responsibility to speak out and reach out.

Kishmet the fashion designer.

I love sewing, love creating, as well.   I love to design and bring the things I seek to fruition. During my pregnancies, creativity flowed from me.  I remember wanting to learn how to sew.  I reached out to my district represent, Honorable Julian Fraser, who made it happen for me.  I now sew and help others.  I knit clothes as well.  I am beautifully shaped.  When I wear the clothes I make, I display to women you can cover yourself and be beautiful.  Men can die without going to your haven, without you exposing your haven to them. I show in my designs that having 10 children, you can still be beautiful, sexy, young, and wonderfully shaped.

Kishmet the Tourism and Culture Icon

My mom, Rosie Smith, was one of the best waitresses in this country and she is alive to see her daughter carry the torch. I love the guests and I love service. I make sure the guests have the best experiences when they are in my care. I become a mother to them. I love them and they feel my love in the way I serve them.

Kishmet the Poet/Song Bird

I love singing as well, and that’s another one of my mothers gift that is passed on to her children.

BB:  Women are coming to the forefront in politics and taking their rightful place in advancing causes and countries. How important do you think the “Rise of the Women” is at this time in our history and in our Territory?  How important are our voices?

KB: It is imperative that the man should allow women to stand in this time.  We have proven that we are strong, loving and have patience. We are the providers, nurturers, and we are the ones that do everything to make sure our household run right. Our voices are important. As Bob Marley sang , No Woman, No cry. Women voices are the ones that cries out in the wilderness. We give the ancient cry that God hears. It’s time for women to rise up and take our place in writing history, for we have already proven our strength. Our children knows this as well.  We however, have to distinguish that inside of the woman lies the spirit of a woman and not the serpent. The serpent has no gender, but it is a great pretender.

BB:  When people see Kishmet, what do you want them to see?

KB: I  want  them  to see strength, endurance, honesty, love, kindness and  if Kishmet can  do  it,  so  can  they.  I  want them to see all this, and just  add  to  what  I  have  done  and continue to grow.

BB:  You are often heard quoting scriptures and bringing clarity to their meaning.  How important is your spiritual walk and how does it impacts and shape who you are?  What is your philosophy and what guides you on your daily journey?

KB: My spiritual work is important for the Cosmos would give a word day by day, and I would share the message to all so that people could see where the Lord is coming from and what is he is saying. This impact and shape who I am for I know even before I know.  I see and hear even before it happens, so I am not alarmed by anything. God is in front, cutting and clearing the path.

The philosophy is the teachings of his Majesty. The love for God and salvation is what guides me on my daily journey. The realisation of knowing that I am only here for a time is what motivates me every day to work for God. God guides me on my daily journey.

BB:  You have a clever and unorthodox way of seeing things and calculating your insights.  You always say “I’m a mathematical genius”.  Explain a bit about this to our readers.

KB: I love math, so I love showing the geometry of who I am. As a child, not having friends, just being around family, books became my friends.  I created crossword puzzles and different things to keep my mind busy.  Having Honorable Andrew Fahie as my Algebra Teacher in high school, exposed  and expanded my mathematical capabilities. I then realised that my affair with numbers started at Ebenezer Thomas Primary School with Teacher Jackie, Teacher Syntie, Teacher Sybil, and Mrs. Braithwaite. They allowed me to see things differently and I never stopped studying.  During my pregnancies, I would always be in a book. I see things from an angle that many can’t see.

BB:  What do you think is the source of your inspiration, energy and drive?

KB: The source of my inspiration, energy and drive is God.  I am determined to show the world who he is.

BB:  What do you wish you had known as a child?

KB: As  a  child,  I  wish  I  would  have  known  that  I  would  have  10  children.  I  wish  I  would  have  known  so  I  could  have  been  more  focused  in  school,  and  be  the  things  my  classmate  thought  I  would  have  been.  But God worked it out.  He  had  so  many  ideas  it  couldn’t  be  just one.  I  can wake  any  day  and  be  a  different  person,  but  still  yet  be  the  same  person.  A  mother, a teacher,  a  waitress,  a  business  supervisor/manager, a seamstress, a knitter and so many more!  I would have more prepared myself for these plans God had for me.

BB:  What would you most want to instill in your girls?

KB: What I want to instill in my girls are already in them.  For them to keep pushing and never give up.  To be strong and believe in themselves.

BB:  What is your desire for the children of the future?

KB:  My  heart’s  desire  for  the  children  of  the  future  is  for  them  to  know  that  they  are  the  children  of  the  future  and  they  would  take  teachings  and  prepare  themselves  for  the  what’s to comes.  I wish  they  would  understand  who  they  are  and  stop  focusing  on  what’s  out  there.  Just  be  themselves.  So,  my  young  man  put  down  the  gun.  Be  a…G-U-N,  Good, Understanding, Nurturer.  To  our  young  ladies,  I want them to see themselves as  beautiful  and  embrace who  they  are.  Know that beauty is who they A-R-E …. Amazing, Real, Energy.

BB:  What are your wishes for our Territory?

KB:  My  wish  for  our  territory is  that  God  take  control  and  put  the  right  people  in  place  for us  to  move  forward.  This  country  is  full  of  a  lot  of  secrets, lies and darkness.  I want God to set everything right so that we all walk in the light.

BB:  Your words ring wide and deep.  Many are going through hardships, depressions and sometimes see no light at the end of the tunnel.  What would you say to bring them hope?

KB: My words  in  the  struggle  is  never  give  up.  Keep  pushing  and  going  even  when  you  don’t  know  where  you’re  going.  Just  trust  God  and  be  strong.  Smile  when you  are  going  through  times.  Remember,  there  is  a  God.

BB: Words of wisdom to leave with our readers

KB: Words  of  wisdom  is  never  stop,  keep  going,  do  as  much, help  as  much,  give  as  much,  love  as  much,  encourage  as  much,  just  be  honest.

BB:  What’s next for Kishmet Brookes

KB: There  is  so  much I see in my future.  God  controls  my  next  move,  but  he  said  I  must  write  a  book  entitled “How  God  Keep  Me”

BB:  What do you want your legacy to be?

KB: My  legacy  to  be  that  I  existed. I  was  here.  My  legacy  will  be  in  my  children,  I  will  always  be  here.  I  ain’t  got nowhere  to  go.

BB:  Would you say your are free and living authentically who you are?

KB:  I  am  free  and  living my true authentic self.   Who  I  am  is because  God  in  me. He controls  everything.  This  is  a  spirit  that  is  destined  to  be  free.

Kishmet desire for the Territory is that God will take control and guide the right persons into leadership.  Persons that will embrace their position and operate with integrity to take the country and its people forward.  She had one final message to the parents of the Territory, “Be role models to your children.  Feed them with love, not material things.  Build their spirits and teach them how to survive. Bring them up in the fear and love of God. Let God be their Brand – Holy Emmanuel I Selassi I Jan Rastafari!”

Kishmet voice is ofter heard daily on radio talk shows across the Territory as she continues to spread hope and love to all, as she intrigue listeners with a splash of mathematical decoding.

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