A Mother’s Role

(cc)Don Sniegowski (270)321-1268


When the child was grown, the day came that he went out to his father, to the reapers.  But he said to his father, “My head, my head”.  The man said to his servant, “Carry him to his mother”.  When he had carried and brought him to his mother, he sat on her lap until noon, and then he died.

Then she swung into action!  One of the primary roles of a mother is action in times of adversity.  This poignant account not only results in action precipitated by faith, but it also shows the role of caretaker, comforter, and family nurse all wrapped up in motherhood.

Over the passage of civilization, the role of the mother has remained the same in light of the basic love, care, nurturing and protective virtues.  It has also incorporated more modern methodologies such as the ‘working mother’, the ‘single mother’, the ‘political mother’, the ‘preaching mother’ and numerous roles which cannot be exhausted here.

Society has longed for and embraced the value of the female half of the family head.  Their level of understanding and perspective is being appreciated after several millennia of its demonstration.  Yes, the role of the woman has found its place in the halls of power globally!

As we celebrate mothers, we must also celebrate the immeasurable contribution they have made to the survival and progress of humankind.  This cannot be limited to individual relationships but must realize that just like the case of the Shunammite’s son, many sons in the halls of power value a “mother’s lap to rest on” in times of great trial.

Mothers not only teach their daughters how to become ladies but also teach their sons how to love and respect ladies.  It was Jesus on the cross that gave special recognition to his mother.  Amidst all of the trauma and his impending death he ensured that care was put in place for his mother’s well-being.  John 19:26-27 “When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!  Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother!  And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.”

A son that demonstrates respect for his mother will also respect other persons, especially his spouse.  That respect will permeate all aspects of his character and be extended to the society at large.  Conversely, the opposite is true and sadly we witness too many instances of the converse.  Teachers and other figures of authority bear the brunt of this truth.

Outside of the home, mothers play a major role in community life.  Organizers, activists and a voice of reason are some of voids filled by mothers.  For example, the Texas based organization Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) was formed in September 1980 by a California mother.  The mother joined by others took action to help combat the scourge of drunk driving after she had lost her thirteen-year-old daughter to a drunk driving hit and run incident.  MADD now has six hundred offices, with at least one in each State across the United States and Provinces in Canada.

In Governments internationally, there have been leaders from the United Kingdom, to Liberia and Malawi Africa, Dominica and the Vice President of the United States.  Although all referenced are not biological mothers, the caring maternal virtue cannot be dismissed.  Locally (in BVI) we have had several leading positions filled by mothers over the years, most notably thus far has been Law Firms, Financial Services Companies, School Principals, Attorney General, Deputy Governor, Ministers of Government and Deputy Premier.

At the end of it all, the role of care giver is most cherished by all.  A mother will give her all, even to her very life in the efforts of care giving.  Mothers have been caregiving and nurturing throughout the annals of history.  In many cases, and it certainly was in the ministry of Jesus, women played integral and noteworthy roles.  On the morning of the resurrection, it was Mary Magdalene who first went to Jesus’ tomb and witnessed the stone was removed from the entrance.  It was Mary (Martha’s sister) who earlier had anointed his feet with ointment and wiped them with her hair, which was an act of preparation for his burial to come.  Our faith in God and our Savior Jesus Christ has been championed and continues to be by countless mothers.  In fact, the founder of my church organization was Mother Florence Crawford, who in 1906 started the humble beginnings of our work in Portland Oregon, which now has hundreds of branches worldwide.

Pastors, ministers, prayer warriors, the prayers of a mother cannot be over-valued, they are priceless.  A mother has a certain compassion that reaches the heart of God, which can only come from a heart that has nurtured life from conception to whatever state being prayed about.  So, let us love our mothers, return some level of respect and appreciation for their selfless contributions to our lives.  Be aware of the first commandment with promise.

Ephesians 6:2-3 Amplified Bible

Honor [esteem, value as precious] your father and your mother [and be respectful to them]-this is the first commandment with a promise—So that it may be well with you, and that you may have a long life on the earth.