Summer to do list



Whilst some of us are getting off our rock for vacations to visit family or to experience somewhere new, a lot of us will still be here taking our vacation time at home. For those planning to do some much-needed updates and repairs to their home here’s a look how to get things done on your home improvement staycation!

Taking time off work to spend time on home improvements may not seem like fun to most, but with these top tips, you can enjoy that much needed time off whilst still getting a few things done.

Make a list – if you’re improvement ideas are looking a little daunting, make a list. Write down the areas you want to work on, what you want to achieve and what you need to make it happen. There is nothing more satisfying than crossing things off a list when you complete a task. Your list of things gets shorter and that feeling of achievement is accomplished

Plan it – Although the last thing you probably want to think about is planning your time off work whilst at home. It can really help you to get everything done and still have time to enjoy yourself. With some time management, you can accomplish all those tasks and still make time for fun.

Get prepared – Get everything you need to get started in advance. There is nothing worse than deciding to tackle a task then realizing that you don’t have all you need to get that task completed. If there are certain things you know you are going to need to get them the day before or even better before you start your time off.

Early Riser – the longer you stay in bed the less likely you are to get up and do something productive. To keep a good balance of work and fun. Get up at your usual time and tackle the task at hand first thing. This way you’ll either be so pleased with your results you’ll keep going through the afternoon and in turn get more done. Or you can stop at lunchtime and then spend the afternoon with family and friends or simply relax into the evening.

Make it a family affair – The thought of tackling home DIY whilst the younger members of the family are at home may instill a small element of fear into some people, but fear not. Get the children involved. Rooms need painting – give them a paintbrush and let them go for it on the lower part of the walls whilst you do up high (make sure to put plenty of covers down on the floor and over the furniture!). Landscaping the backyard? Give them a spade and a bucket and have them dig the earth too. Our children love to help us, so whilst they may not have acquired the skills to be good enough to re-tile the bathroom just yet they can certainly help out with some of the easier projects.

One thing at a time – The trick to achieving the tasks you want to get done is to tackle one thing at a time, by being prepared to see one task through to the end means that even if you don’t have the time to get everything you want to get done completed at least you’ll see some things through to the end and you’ll get items on your list checked off.

Have fun doing it – don’t look at the task list as a list of chores that need to be done. If you enjoy what you’re doing you’ll find it easier to finish something. Play music whilst you’re working, think about the sense of accomplishment once you’ve finished. Visualize what it will look like once it’s done. If you’re starting a project with a feeling of dread it will make it harder to get started and even harder to finish.

Enjoy your time off – Be sure to make time to enjoy your time off too. No one wants to go back to work feeling like you still need a holiday. It is important to schedule time off from everything. Make time to get out and enjoy the summer, and you’ll enjoy it, even more, knowing that some of the tasks on your list have been completed.